Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I am frustrated.

I keep trying to donate to things, like Knitters Without Borders. And trying to help people out with their Million Dollar Cat Fund like Crazy Aunt Purl while also getting a neat-o messenger/knitting bag.

I went out and got myself a Paypal account, and transfered some money over. I've been waiting for over a week for the transfer to take effect. Finally today I got the email! Rejoicing!

Then...swearing. Because those places I want to give money to/buy things from? They only take credit cards. I can (and will) still donate to Buffyguide and I can toss some money into the Million Dollar Cat Fund without getting a fun, new messenger bag. But I'm still pretty frustrated.

1 comment:

AngelaRae said...

Um. I should clarify that I have tried in recent months to get a credit card, but I can't. Because I was a stupid, stupid girl after university and they haven't quite forgiven me yet.