Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Enough of that.

OK, so it's time to get the unhappy post off the top of the blog.

Things are better. We're at t minus 4 days until the move-out date. *dances* Since the soon-to-be-ex-roommate has been on vacation while doing house stuff, I have been taking the bus for the better part of the last two weeks. What a difference it makes! Sadly, paying for a car and taking the bus, just not an option right now. Depending on how high gas prices get, I may reconsider, we'll see. And no, I'm not willing to get rid of my car. It gives me the independence to get up at oh-my-goodness-it's-early o'clock on a Saturday and go to the farmer's market, the chiropractor and the grocery store, and be home and back in bed for a snuggle before 10 am. Not giving that up, no sirree bob. Still, the chance for some extra shut-eye in the morning (on the bus!) has been lovely. Plus, I've managed to read 4 whole books! In less than two weeks!

Work is feh. Which is a combination of 'meh' (apathy) and a bit of annoyance. The previously mentioned exciting project is really just a big pain in my tuchuss. But! I get to spend some time over the next couple of weeks assisting with planning a client appreciation/milestone celebration event. Which is a tiny step towards my "someday I want to be a wedding planner" dream.



Annika said...

Ohh, wouldn't it be lovely to be a wedding planner? Of course, I would only like it if I could afford to be fussy about my clientele and tell the Bridezillas to fuck off.

Yonners said...

Oh! Four whole books? I'm so envious. I just started my first book since October! I have a book book where I write down the books I read and give them stars and now I'm going to go from October 2005 to May 2006 so I may put in brackets *knitting and schoolwork*. I'm now reading The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. Excellent. Oh, and may I link to you from my blog?

Anonymous said...

Being a wedding planner would be great!

AngelaRae said...

annika: I hear you. This is why I need to be independently wealthy before I start the business.

leone: To be fair, they haven't been terribly in-depth books. Two smutty romances, one smutty vampire novel and The Da Vinci Code, which I can't figure out if I liked it or not. And yes, go right ahead with the linking! One of these days I will be updating my own links, and would like to return the compliment.

CosmicAvatar said...

This sounds way more positive. Hooray!

allison said...

I wanted to be a wedding planner after planning my first wedding. Wanna go into business together? :-)

I am very envious of the four books, even if they were largely smutty in nature. Hell, I am even more envious because they are smutty in nature. Was the vampire one a Laurell Hamilton? I really need some hot vampire/wolfy sex right about now....

Yonners said...

A wonderful sexy smart vampire book that is also a great guiltless intelligent read is Sunshine by Robin McKinley. It's one of those must reads and books I would read over and over again.