Tagged by
gomalley of The Pirate's Pen! Whee!
Five jobs I have had in my life:
1. Retail
2. Fast Food Worker
3. Waitress
4. Actor
5. Secretary
Five movies I would (and do) watch over and over again (in no particular order):
1. Ever After
2. A Knight's Tale
3. The Princess Bride
4. Boondock Saints
5. Dodgeball
Five places I have lived:
1. London, ON
2. Milton, ON
3. Windsor, ON
4. Toronto, ON
5. Guelph, ON
Five TV shows I love to watch:
1. Buffy
2. Angel
3. Firefly
4. All the CSI shows
5. Wedding shows
Five places I have been on vacation:
1. France (high school French exchange)
2. Canada East (as far as Cape Breton)and West (as far as Banff)
3. Disneyworld
4. Las Vegas
5. Maryland
Five websites I visit daily:
1. The forums at Buffyguide.com
2. Craftster.org
3. Various LJ and blogs
4. Work related websites
5. cuteoverload.com
Five of my favourite foods:
1. milk
2. cheese
3. chocolate
4. peanut butter
5. bread
Five places I’d rather be right now:
1. At home.
2. Visiting friends.
3. Driving down the west coast of Canada/US.
4. Taking a cruise to Antarctica.
5. ORF, summer of '04
Five songs you like but are embarrassed to admit:
1. Anything by the Backstreet Boys. I own their last 3 cds. But I'm not really embarrased by it, and I can't think of anything else.
I tag
Curly Girl and